Doma Castle

Doma Castle

Level 67, ilvl 255


Yanxia (X:14.0, Y:14.2)

The Die Is Cast

To win a war, one must be willing to do whatever is required, even if it means sacrificing the very thing one set out to reclaim. And thus did Lord Hien declare that Doma Castle should be flooded, to eliminate the greater portion of the imperial garrison and trap Yotsuyu within the keep. Your allies have set the stage, and now you must play your part─as well as the wandering adventurers whom you have recruited to fight for Doma's liberation. The fate of a nation shall be decided this day─marshal your forces and venture unto the flooded fortress!  


Magitek Rearguard

During the battle, there are several important mechanics to be aware of. The first is the Cermet Pile, which is a tankbuster that should be avoided facing towards the group as it cleaves. Another mechanic is the Garlean Fire, which is similar to the earlier Gunship's AoE but fires a line of circles. To avoid this, players should dodge to the side of the circle instead of in front of it. There is a big arrow indicator to help show where it will go, and as the fight progresses, the boss will begin using two lines side by side. The Rearguard Bit is another mechanic where these bots will be lined up on the edge of the arena and fire an unnamed attack for major damage. It appears as a narrow line across the arena, but occasionally, ones next to each other will fire together for a wider beam. Lastly, there are Rearguard Mines, which are small orange bots that float across the arena. Contact with them will cause them to explode, dealing major damage.

Magitek Hexadrone

In this encounter, the boss will use a powerful AoE attack called Circle of Death, which affects a large area around it. Additionally, there is a mechanic called 2-tonze Magitek Missile, where players must stack together to mitigate its effects. Another mechanic, Chain Mine, involves a Hexadrone Bit appearing at the edge of the arena, creating a damaging red field that limits safe movement. Finally, players must stand in a tower that appears during the Magitek Missiles mechanic to prevent moderate damage from hitting the entire group. Overall, these mechanics require careful positioning and coordination to successfully navigate the encounter.

Hypertuned Grynewaht

In this boss fight, there are several abilities to be aware of. The first is Chainsaw, where the boss charges up his chainsaw and deals continuous damage in front of him. Players can easily avoid this by sidestepping as the boss won't move once it starts. Another ability is Delay-action Charge, which involves two large AoE markers tracking a pair of players. To avoid harming others, simply move away from the group when it goes off. Later in the fight, it will target three players at once. Gunsaw is a random player being continually fired upon. Unlike Chainsaw, it tracks the player, so there's no way to avoid it. However, it pierces and hits anyone in front of or behind the targeted player, so be careful not to move it over party members. Thermobaric Charge marks one player with a proximity marker that tracks them. After a few seconds, the rings disappear, leaving the marker in place. The player marked should move away from the party to drop it off before rejoining. Clean Cut involves Magitek Chakrams appearing around the edge of the arena and slicing across it. Pay attention to where they appear for a warning on where to dodge. Finally, Chain Mine functions similarly to Magitek Hexadrone, but with Hypertuned Bits. It splits the arena into four quadrants and is often used with Thermobaric Charge to limit how far it can be dropped if players aren't prepared.
